Your Name
First Name
Last Name
Date of Visit
Time of Visit
Location Visited
Downtown SLC
American Fork
Was the exterior and walkway into the store tidy? If not, please describe untidiness.
Were you greeted at the door by the host? If not, did anyone greet you within one minute of entering? If you were not greeted by the host, did you see where he/ she was? [Name of host or person that greeted you]
Were there other customers waiting for a table in front of you?
From the time you walked into the store, how long did it take for you to be given a table?
From the time you were seated at a table, were you greeted by your server within 2 minutes? If no, approximately how many minutes after being seated were you greeted? [Name of your server]
Was your server’s appearance and attire tidy and appropriate for restaurant service?
On a scale of 1-3 (one being not friendly and 3 being very friendly), how friendly was your server when he/she greeted you?
Did the server ask if you had any questions about the menu?
Did you receive water within 3 minutes of being seated?
How long from the time you finished ordering did it take until your food arrived at your table?
Please list each dish you ordered and rate it on the following factors: 1) eye-appealing plating 2) items as-described in menu 3) temperature 4) taste
Did your server check back shortly after you received your meal to make sure you were satisfied?
If you mentioned anything unsatisfactory, did the store manager come to your table to get details on your concerns or feedback?
Did your server refill your beverages once? Twice?
Did the server ask if you’d like to order or take a look at desserts while mentioning their personal favorite?
If you are able, please approach the counter to look at desserts. If you did this, were you greeted in a friendly manner by a member of our counter staff?
If you ordered dessert, please list each dish you ordered and rate it on the following factors: 1) eye-appealing plating 2) items as-described in menu 3) temperature 4) taste
Did your server bring you the ticket in a timely manner?
Did the server thank you for dining at Gourmandise?
Evaluation of the store: Were there empty tables with dirty dishes in the restaurant that sat for more than 3 minutes? Did you notice anything inappropriately dirty in the store or near your table?
If you had no other personal experience with or connection to Gourmandise, how likely would you be to recommend Gourmandise to a friend based on this experience alone. Scale of 1 to 10 (1 being not at all likely-- 10 being very likely).